
Showing posts from February, 2011

... The Truly Remarkable Might Not Be Pipers!

Every so often you meet some one that doesn't stand out in a crowd... is humble beyond words...yet has accomplished more in their lifetime than anyone you know. These people don't have to be involved in the same things as us! They don't need our obsessions. They have their own inner passions which see them through life! Such was DJ (Dorothy) Douglas of Madison, WI. Jake Watson, John Fisher, John Cairns and myself got to know her as the life partner of Rory Ward - a piping student every year at the Milwaukee school. Rory, in her own right, has lived a truly remarkable life and career - being a retired fire lieutenant in Madison Fire Department and also a highly trained psychologist! Here is DJ's life, captured on a PBS documentary recently: Watch the full episode . See more In Wisconsin.

... Super Bowl Sunday

That's right...Super Bowl Sunday...will it be Big Ben and the Steelers or the Packers and Rogers the Rocket Arm? Can you imagine an event in the pipe band world with the same import as the Steelers vs. the Pack? We have it already.... Super Saturday. Mark it on your calendars - August 13, 2011 - coming to you from Glasgow Green and broadcast live by Bob Worrall. Now, what we lack in TV sponsorships, we can make up for in crowd appeal. Unlike the Super Bowl of football, the "pipe band super bowl" has never disappointed its fans with mediocrity or just plain bad play. The one thing about the pipe band fraternity - we can always praise a good performance - we are sufficiently negative to criticize a poor performance - we argue which band should be first - we know better than the "wise judges" on the field - we will always disagree with the final result - we replay the event over and over - and when it is all said and done, we come back year after year regardless ...